A Liberian lawyer, has weighed in on the rumors of whether former Miss Liberia, Wokie Dolo, can legally become the second wife of businessman Leo Kamara. According to Hutchinson, the Dux of the recent Bar Exams, the answer is no, and she breaks down why under Liberian law.
In a recent social media post, Hutchinson explained that for a man to marry a second wife, his first marriage must be conducted through traditional, customary law.
A man who is customarily married, thereby having the legal right to marry additional wives, cannot do so under statutory law, – she said.
This means if a man has married his first wife in a court or church, he cannot legally take another wife, no matter his intentions.
In simpler terms, she noted in layman’s terms:
Any man dah do traditional wedding geh lay legal right to marry plenty wives if he can support them; however, he can’t marry them in church or court.
She clarified further that while customary marriages allow for polygamy, statutory marriages do not. So, a man married under statutory law would need to divorce his first wife and undergo a customary marriage if he wishes to take multiple wives.
Her insight on this matter suggests that Wokie Dolo cannot become a second wife under Liberian law unless his first marriage was conducted traditionally giving rights for this one to also be conducted traditionally. This legal limitation means that a “second wife”, like Wokie Dolo, would not be able to marry in a church or court.