Keithdora A. Jinlack’s incredible story of survival and gratitude is nothing short of a miracle. On August 16, 2024, her life took a dramatic turn that she attributes to divine intervention. Here’s her heartfelt testimony:

“I can’t express enough how deeply grateful I am to God for saving my life. It’s only by His grace that I’m here today. If anyone says there is no God, they’re mistaken because God truly exists and has shown His power in my life.

On that fateful evening, I boarded a motorbike at 19th Street Sinkor, headed for Old Road Sinkor around 9:00 PM. The rider missed my destination and sped off, leaving me in a terrifying situation. The next thing I knew, I woke up in the trauma ward at JFK Hospital, with oxygen in my nose and severe injuries. I couldn’t move my legs and was in excruciating pain. The confusion and fear were overwhelming as I struggled to understand what had happened.

The nurse informed me that an unknown man had brought me to the hospital after finding me bleeding on Duport Road. I was astonished as I had no memory of being on Duport Road. The man who rescued me later visited me in the hospital and explained that he had seen motorbike boys pushing me off the moving bike. Despite numerous rejections from hospitals, he persevered and finally got me admitted to JFK Hospital, paying for my treatment out of his own pocket.

His determination and kindness were nothing short of angelic. I thanked him with tears in my eyes, recognizing that it was God who guided him through every step of the way.

During my week at JFK, I prayed and trusted in God for healing, and indeed, He answered those prayers. I am profoundly grateful to God for this miraculous recovery.

I also want to extend my deepest thanks to my parents for their unwavering support, and to all my family, friends, and workmates who visited me, called, and prayed for me. Your love and support were a tremendous source of strength.

To everyone reading this, let’s remain prayerful and trust in God’s plans for us. Thank you all for your concern and prayers. May God bless you abundantly.

This is my testimony. To God be the praise, Amen.”

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By Kerkula Aketella Blama

Kerkula Blama also known as Aketella, the CEO of Geez Liberia, is the best blogger in Liberia. He is also a vlogger, On-Air Personality, curator, PRO and influencer.

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