In the fast-paced world of social media, where every word and action is scrutinized, it’s easy for public figures to get caught up in the whirlwind of online controversies. Liberian artist JZyno, who recently made headlines with his bold claims of being the “first and only global Liberian artist,” has found himself at the center of such storms. As debates rage on about his self-proclaimed title, one voice of reason has emerged—JZyno’s own father.

In a heartfelt message to his son, JZyno’s father offered a piece of advice that resonates with wisdom: “Son, you have gone so far. Just do what you can and leave the talking.” This simple yet profound statement underscores a truth that many in the spotlight often forget: actions speak louder than words.

Amidst the noise of online debates, accusations of arrogance, and the pressure to constantly defend one’s position, it can be easy to lose sight of what truly matters. JZyno’s father’s advice serves as a gentle reminder that success is not built on words alone but on consistent effort, hard work, and tangible achievements.

In today’s digital age, where social media can amplify both praise and criticism, there’s a temptation for artists to respond to every comment, every slight, and every controversy. However, this can often lead to unnecessary distractions and further fuel the very issues they are trying to avoid. By encouraging his son to focus on his craft and let his work speak for itself, JZyno’s father is pointing him towards a path of lasting success—one that isn’t reliant on constant validation from others.

Critics of JZyno have been quick to label those who question his claims as “haters.” But as JZyno’s own father steps in with advice to temper his online presence, it becomes clear that this isn’t about hating—it’s about offering constructive criticism from a place of love and concern. Sometimes, the most important feedback comes from those closest to us, who can see the bigger picture and have our best interests at heart.

In a world where being “too talking” on the internet can lead to misunderstandings, missteps, and misplaced priorities, JZyno’s father’s words are a call to focus on what truly matters: the music, the passion, and the legacy he wants to leave behind. It’s a reminder that while social media can be a powerful tool for promotion, it shouldn’t overshadow the very reason why an artist is in the spotlight in the first place—their art.

JZyno has indeed come a long way in his career, achieving milestones that many artists dream of. His father’s advice isn’t about diminishing those achievements but rather ensuring that he continues to build on them in a meaningful way. By focusing on his work and letting his success speak for itself, JZyno can rise above the controversies and solidify his place as a respected figure in the Liberian music industry.

As fans and followers, it’s easy to get caught up in the drama and debates that often surround public figures. But perhaps the best thing we can do is to support artists in their journey, encouraging them to stay true to their craft and reminding them that sometimes, the most powerful statement is made in silence.

In the end, JZyno’s legacy will be defined not by the controversies, but by the music he creates and the impact it has on the world. Let’s hope he takes his father’s wise words to heart and continues to do what he does best—creating music that resonates with his fans and represents Liberia on the global stage.

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By Kerkula Aketella Blama

Kerkula Blama also known as Aketella, the CEO of Geez Liberia, is the best blogger in Liberia. He is also a vlogger, On-Air Personality, curator, PRO and influencer.

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