Information gather from Investigation done by some media practitioners/agencies shows that Emmanuel Tuloe did not find the money alone.
According to reports gotten from Radio Lah-Waii (one of the stations where announcement about the missing money was aired) and from other individuals in the county, Emmanuel did not find the money alone.

It is evident in the video link below, courtesy of NIMBA TV that Emmanuel Thorp, a guy claiming to be part of finding and returning the missing money is right. Please watch the video from 0-5 minute to get the actual story.
Emmanuel Thorp is currently in Monrovia asking for equal portion of everything Emmanuel Tuloe has received.

Video link below
Below is another video of Emmanuel Thorp speaking to Great LIB TV.
Source: Rita Jlogbe
No Comments
Stop lieing you not the want that found the money
We’re you both riding the same bike or two different bikes?
If you both were on the same bike or not who hand picked the bag of money?
Good question
From my understanding , Emmamuel Torloe Need to give his friend some of the benefits. Because they both found the money . From The interview i understand that.
Emmanuel tolue and his family acted very wecked to Emmanuel Thorp, so let they try to sherd with the man, or else he ll b taking a tatle that he doesn’t deserve! The first interview prove it all then why they behaving like that? They should try to give the man his own sherd