Monrovia – The Indomitable Student Unification Party (SUP) stands in solidarity and strongly supports the progressive decision of the University of Liberia Faculty Association (ULFA) which reads: “The University of Liberia Faculty Association (ULFA) has voted unanimously to disengage from all academic activities on all campuses of the University of Liberia (UL)” calls on the Government of Liberia through Pres. Weah and the National Legislature to renovate the University of Liberia now (Fix the University of Liberia now).
The Vanguard Student Unification Party (SUP) painstakingly and unapologetically welcome the decision of the University of Liberia Faculty Association (ULFA) and unwaveringly support and stand in solidarity with ULFA on its decision to disengage from all academic activities effective immediately until their quadruple demands enlisted in their September 17, 2021 press release are met by University Administration, by extension the Government of Liberia. However harsh is this decision, it remains the only panacea of remedying the petit- bourgeois nature of the swarms of butterflies–lawmakers chasing the sweet of corrupt power–that have hijacked our already rubber-stamped Legislature and the bunch of latter-day greenhorns that occupy the dishonorable Executive.
Retrospectively, it can be recalled that on several occasions, the Vanguard Student Unification Party (SUP) condemned the “overgrazing, dirtiness, filthiness and poor sanitary learning condition of the campuses of the University of Liberia during this current health crisis” during her last two press statements, the former that welcomed ‘comrade universitarians’ back on campus as they gear up for the party’s 51st-anniversary celebration which is scheduled for next month and the later in which she rejected the imposition of hundred percent (100%) e-learning this semester, precisely release referenced 20 & 24.
SUP is cognizant of this president, George M. Weah looting the nation’s treasury and giving the money to Nora Finda Bondo and Thomas P. Fallah for the purpose of accumulating secret private property for him— the newly built house in River Gee County by Finda Bondo and many other properties that Thomas P. Fallah is building and buying all around the country.
In lieu thereof, the Vanguard Student Unification Party (SUP) not only frowns at the neoliberal rupture of education instituted at the University of Liberia (UL); the progressive refuse in pastoral Julius Sawolo Nelson and his newfound job of sucking up like a Wokie Dollie to the selfie giant in George Weah; the Vanguard Party robustly calls for the end to the austerity measures of the Tweah-IMF backed policy–a dreadful policy which severely cut the budgetary allocations towards the functioning of the UL. See (Special National Budget Fiscal Year 2021) and also demands the Government of Liberia through the Executive Branch and the National Legislature to make available the sum of Forty-Million United States Dollars to renovate/fix the University of Liberia effective immediately or risk the wrath of the over 16, 000 students at the University of Liberia.
Henceforward, the Vanguard Party once again welcomes the teacher-student-faculty demands of the ULFA. Against this background, the Indomitable Vanguard Student Unification Party (SUP) warns the Selfie Giant in George Weah and the Legislature to relook the fiscal catastrophe of the Tweah-IMF measures to a state-led running of the University of Liberia (UL) in which temporary subsidies, and moving forward, sustainable budgetary allocations can be given for the adequate functioning of Lux in Tenebris (UL). Anything on the contrary, the Vanguard Party (SUP) will have absolutely no choice against all odds, but to stampede her way into revolutionary history.
Long live Massescracy — Long live SUP
Done and released on this 20th day of September A.D. 2021 by and through the mandate of the Politburo and Central Committee Concomitantly of the all-powerful Vanguard Student Unification Party.
Cde. Mustapha N. Kanneh
Secretary General, SUP