It has been alleged that Montserrado county Senator Abe Darius Dillion is now a woman beater. As claims made by tough governmental critics and talk show host; Prophet Key, shows photos of his Brutalized girlfriend and journalist Mary Williams.

According to prophet Key Mary was beaten mercilessly by Sen. Dillion because she accuse him of cheating on her with Grand Bassa County Senator, Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence.

There is no secret about the link up between Sen. Dillion and Sen. Nyonblee ever time they are on vacation. The usually travel to the US for vacation and spend lots of time there together. Probably it was based on this and several other occurrences that his long term girlfriend Mary Williams made the accusation of him being a cheater.

Sen. Dillion who is quite a temperament man, probably couldn’t just stand the fate of being labeled a cheater had to release his guilt by pouncing on his girlfriend and injuring her seriously.
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