While there are many reasons for the rising prices of a multitude of goods in the United States, President Joe Biden’s economic policies are chief among them. According to a new poll, a majority of registered American voters now recognize this fact.


Seventy-nine percent of voters believe government economic policies are at least partially responsible for rising prices, a Fox News poll found. The poll was conducted between Aug. 7-10 with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points.
Overall, 86 percent of respondents said they were concerned about inflation. In addition to government policies, 86 percent of voters said the coronavirus pandemic contributed to inflation, and 72 percent felt that the “regular ups and downs” in the economy were a factor.
Only five percent of voters feel the nation’s current economic state was “excellent,” and 24 percent feel it is “good.” A majority (71 percent) feel the economy is “only fair” or “poor.”

These numbers are not great news for the Biden administration. Included in the nearly 80 percent of overall voters who blame government economic policies for inflation are 64 percent of registered Democrats who feel the same way.

While administration officials certainly expect Republicans to oppose their massive spending proposals, they must now face the fact that even a majority of Democrats are seeing the negative effects of their policies.

Since taking office, Biden has proposed unprecedented spending in bids to address a range of progressive priorities. The $1 trillion “infrastructure bill” that passed the Senate on Tuesday is the latest example of his irresponsible behavior.
“The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal has officially passed the Senate,” Biden bragged on Twitter. “I hope Congress will send it to my desk as soon as possible so we can continue our work of building back better.”

What Biden didn’t mention are the various anti-white provisions in the bill.
“The Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act addresses economic disparities in our economy and the consequences of decades of disinvestment in America’s infrastructure that have fallen most heavily on communities of color,” a White fact sheet of the bill said.
“Through critical investments, the legislation increases access to good-paying jobs, affordable high-speed internet, reliable public transit, clean drinking water and other resources to ensure communities of color get a fair shot at the American dream.”

That language alone clearly shows that the left’s main focus with this bill is to address so-called “racial justice” rather than actually investing in America’s infrastructure.

Biden had already promised to pursue “a whole-of-government effort to increase the share of federal contracts going to small disadvantaged businesses by 50 percent over the next five years,” which essentially means he wants to reward businesses based on race instead of merit.
Even if this bill were actually focused on infrastructure, it would be irresponsible in light of the country’s deficit spending. The fact that the massive price tag will actually fund various progressive agenda items makes it that much more inappropriate.

“My colleagues have tried to claim this bill is paid for, but it’s not,” Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said in a statement Tuesday. “Even if you count the gimmicks and fake offsets, this bill will increase the deficit by over a quarter of a trillion dollars.”
“If, like me, you don’t trust the Washington Swamp’s funny math, we’re about to plunge ourselves even further into debt. America is already $28.6 trillion in debt, and it’s set to skyrocket even higher.”

The Democrats don’t seem to understand that when they recklessly spend money, major consequences follow. Namely, taxes and everyday prices for goods in America quickly rise to higher levels.
The American people are already feeling the effects of government spending in their wallets, and they ought to remember them when they go to the polls in 2022.

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By Kerkula Aketella Blama

Kerkula Blama also known as Aketella, the CEO of Geez Liberia, is the best blogger in Liberia. He is also a vlogger, On-Air Personality, curator, PRO and influencer.

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