In today’s world many believers now acts as an unbelievers by doing what they ought not to do,and it’s very shameful to see someone that claims to be a Christian and born again indulging in adulterous act, committing fornication and going to shrine for powers.

Every teaching from the Bible is now interpreted and preach to the people as to know about the judgement day.You can’t tell a novice in cooking to prepare a stew when you haven’t let the person know the ingredients required in preparing the stew.

Many false teachers are luring people devilish act all in the name of worshipping and going to church,many churches now preach about properity in other not to lose members.meanwhile the truth is there to be focused on,and the so called members will believe so much in their pastors that they may even kill someone in other to please them.

Some teachings will let you know that if you sin today and die tomorrow that God will keep you till the day of judgement and then you will be judge according to your works,but these teaching is partially right and wrong.

You may seem astonished to see why I said there is no judgement day, specifically the Bible let us to understand that is appointed for a man to die once and after that judgement,so that means when someone dies today he or she is taken for judgement and will not be judge again in the so called judgement day.

Let’s us try and be realistic,the Bible is our compass that directs us to where we supposed to be and what we are meant to do.stop saying endtime is coming,but rather check yourself and see if the trumpets sounds today where will you be.

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By Kerkula Aketella Blama

Kerkula Blama also known as Aketella, the CEO of Geez Liberia, is the best blogger in Liberia. He is also a vlogger, On-Air Personality, curator, PRO and influencer.

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