A teacher of the Mary Laurene Browne School of Excellence known as Nathan L. David has been dismissed and relieved off his duty after the family of a child he was tutoring found out that he was involved with a satanic cult, and was in the process of luring their daughter for sacrifice to his cult.
Nathan who was also a teacher at the school the little girl was attending, got a contract to work as a tutor for Mrs. Fathia E.N. Stewart to help tutor her daughter when she noticed that her daughter grades were becoming bad.
Upon his resumption of his duty, Nathan noticing that the little girl had a smartphone, immediately took charge of it and installed social media apps that could allow him to keep communicating with his cult. He was caught after the family found out and was reported to the administration of the school which immediately took administrative actions. Claiming that it was no longer safe to keep a person like him around the kids at the school.

Read the full testimony below by the uncle of the little girl, Book Stewart, who also happens to be a journalist.
“It\’s difficult to know the desperation and the intent of people who come into our lives by happenstance.
So it was with my sister, Fathia E. N. Stewart , when she hired Nathan L. David to tutor my niece who\’s a student at the Mary Laurene Browne School of Excellence after realizing a drop in her daughter\’s grades. He was paid US$60 monthly.
David was a teacher at the same school. He appeared very congenial at first sight. I did not like him. Matter of fact, I just don\’t like strangers in being in any private space of mine.
One of the first things which made me to think something is amiss about him was when he complained to my 9-year old niece that I usually passed by with a straight face without saying hi. Imagine a full grown man gossiping me to my niece.
When my sis told me this, I began to wonder whether this man came to work for his money or to be my friend.
I wasn\’t interested in being his friend. I believe in the principle that oil and water don\’t mix. He was an employee of my sis, and that was just that. I wasn\’t seeking his friendship, and certainly didn\’t aspire to be.
My niece uses a Tecno phone which costs US$90. This phone was gifted to her by a member of her father\’s family.
The only social media app on this phone is WhatsApp which she uses to call her cousins, siblings, parents when she has data.
Her teacher, on the other hand, doesn\’t have a smart phone. A little over a fortnight ago, he came to teach my niece when he saw the phone.
He asked her to use it – his first act of unprofessionalism. He inserted his sim card therein and downloaded Facebook, Messenger, Gmail, and logged her out of her WhatsApp.
All of his numbers and messages were on the lil girl\’s phone. My niece was a little perplexed over the multiplicity of strange numbers in her phone. When her mom returned from work in the evening, she showed it to her and told her that the only person who used her phone was her tutor, Nathan L. David.
My sister, curious like myself and my dad, went through every nook and cranny of the phone. She thereupon stumbled across messages on Messenger between Nate and what appears to be a satanic cult.
In the series of messages as can be seen below, Nathan L. David is expressing his desire to be rich by any and all means possible.
So much so that he is prepared to do anything, even if it requires ritualistic means. My sis was very concerned over this. She had told me only the part he put the sim in the girl\’s phone. I didn\’t get to know of his devilish inclinations and aspirations until a few days later when she told our father.
My dad immediately, without any hesitation, called my aunt Hester Williams-Catakaw, owner and proprietress of the school to inform her of the antics of this teacher and how unsafe it is for him to be around the kids.
FYI, I was one of the first students of Levi C. Williams in 1993 alongside Abu Sirleaf and Songa Yates .
Aunty Hester asked that the we immediately send the screenshots to her. And we did. He was fired instantaneously as his presence around children has been deemed unsafe.
It happens to be that Nathan L. David is a member of the Knighthood of Marshall, one of the fraternal organizations in the Catholic Church.
Fraternal orgs in Liberia have, over the years, been smeared because of people like Nate who have devilish aspirations. And because he wears cape, holds sword during official parades, the gullible society cannot discern between the personal and fraternal. As a result, fraternal orgs have been perceived to be devilish or satanic.
As a Catholic, I know this and often times I\’ve had to be confronted though I\’m not in any fraternal org in the church. But the people I grew up with at school and at home are/were all members of fraternal org, including my sibling until she left for Methodism.
Following his dismissal, he showed up at our residence to apologize. My dad gave him a good tongue lashing and told him his actions were going to be reported to the Liberia Grand Commandery of the Knights and Ladies of Marshall. I hope my friends in Marshall are reading this.
On the campus of Mary Laurene Brown, the school is abuzz with the news of his dismissal. A classmate of my niece told my father that Nathan had allegedly done the first sacrifice and my niece would have been the second.
The heart of a man is desperately wicked, as we\’re told in the Bible. In Africa, a lot of people don\’t believe in honest means to get to the top. For some corners must be cut, etc.
As a young man, I have often been asked by peers to show them the way to travel as my frequent travels from the country is not normal. Sometimes I simply laughed. Other times I just stared because I don\’t know of any way.
Whatever the case is, we are often not a better judge of character. Shine your eyes all the time.
Credit: Book Stewart