Former presidential hopeful and head of the women group, Movement for One Liberia (MOL) has denied thru her social media page of taking somebody’s husband despite allegation by a female colleague, Sajo Juwara. Madam Cooper said her husband, Mr. AliouneKebe had never been married before in any part of the world, describing the claim as a miscalculated myth from her ‘opposition’. But recently, Madam Sajo Juwara claimed via live talk show here that her best friend MacDella Cooper took her man Alioune Kebe, a former soccer star.

Macdella Cooper and Alioune Kebe

Explaining her nightmare to Voice of Liberia radio recently, she said MacDella convinced her in divorcing Alioune after some family challenges, but within a year, the women’s advocate announced him as her man during their one year anniversary.

But MacDella responds, “I have received few calls from bowed and courageous women, women I adore because they have the courage to reach to me after they heard that I stole someone’s husband or best friend’s husband information. The women did not follow gossips around, instead, they called to verify the facts. My husband (Alioune Kebe) has never been married, until someone can produce marriage certificate and legal instrument to the contrary. There is no place in the world he had been married. Those allegations are yet to be proven true.”


She then encourages her supporters and members of her women group, the Movement for One Liberia and friends to reach out through her telephone.

However, Madam Juwara narrates, “I was best friend with MacDella Cooper for over 15 years, since 2006. I live in Paris. MacDella would always come to visit me at my various residences in Dakar, Paris, Milan and even St. Tropez where her daughter spent her 1st summer on my boat. She knows my friends and family in France as well as Senegal and in The Gambia. I also know her family in New Jersey and Liberia. Essentially, we were close like sisters. I got married in 2015 to former football player Alioune Kebe and we have a son together. We spent part of our honey moon in New York with Macdella and other girlfriends.

While I was pregnant, I stayed a few weeks at her apartment in New York. She was even in the delivery room when I gave birth and was the first person to hold by baby. This is to tell you how close we were. I was also supportive of Macdella’s children and pregnancies. She would stay in all my houses and even had access to them when I wasn’t there. During Liberia’s presidential elections, we can to Liberia to help her with the electoral process.”

According to her, on Saturday, March 20, 2021, during an event marking the one year anniversary of the Movement for One Liberia, Ms. Cooper ‘shamelessly’ revealed Mr. Alioune Kebe to the Liberian public as her husband and declared it was time to put an end to the many speculations and gossips being spread about her social life.

AliouneKebe, a Senegalese national and also a former career footballer who plied his trade in France and other European countries, is now the husband of MacDella Cooper.

“Our women deserve better MacDella, find your own husband. Women all around the world are crying out. We all make mistakes, but there seems to be intentionality to her ways. To date, MacDella has three children from three different married men; maybe my ex-husband is next”, Sajo lamented.

She said since the arrival of Ms. Cooper in husband’s life, Mr. Kebe has reportedly reneged in supporting the child he had with her (Sajo) adding; “if Alioune Kebe wants to do social with his new shady, he should be able to first take care of his own children and family.”

According to her, she finds it difficult to believe that MacDella is now the wife of her ex-husband after allegedly being the mastermind behind their divorce few years ago.

“With all these questions in mind and many other inquiries to be drawn up on these issues, a critical mind will clearly see that the self-proclaimed women rights advocate continues to contradict her own political platform. A woman in politics with a platform for women’s rights, gender equality, women empowerment, and women’s equal participation in political decisions, should at least attempt to serve as an example of integrity for other women to emulate”, Madam Sajo Juwara concluded. This paper has not contacted Mr. Alioune Kebe for comment on his ex-wife’s claims.

Source: The New Dawn

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By Kerkula Aketella Blama

Kerkula Blama also known as Aketella, the CEO of Geez Liberia, is the best blogger in Liberia. He is also a vlogger, On-Air Personality, curator, PRO and influencer.

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