It is said that whether in hard times or good times we should give God thanks. But how do we do say thanks with sorrow in our hearts and our eyes watery with bloody flow of unstoppable grieve over the lost of our loved ones, illnesses and lost of our homes to fire outbreaks?
The end of June brought lot of tragedies for our entertainment Industry in Liberia. We remembered Dj. Juicy Fingers losing his entire house and properties to a fire outbreak. PCK got ill and was hospitalized for weeks. Christoph and Jackie Russ lost their beloved mother to the cold hands of death. Gary, too lost his home to a fire outbreak, Yokee Bleek lost both his parents to death. And now Da Vero has been hospitalized and you can name the rest.
\”What is happening to the industry? As I write these words my hands tremble not that I\’m short of words or week, but in fear of who\’s gonna be next this July. Is It me, you, or them? Where have we gone wrong? I ask myself. Who have we offended? Is it a payback? Is all this happening for a reason? Or its all just timely according to God\’s plan. My mind is unsettled because thoughts of bereavements, illnesses, fire outbreaks, floods, and some unforeseen circumstances that might come has overshadow it\’s normal consciousness.\”
\”Who do we run to for help? Who do we cry on, when everyone is crying?\”
All I\’m hopeful for is a light at the end of the tunnel. A sun that\’ll finally shine over the rainbows after the heavy thunder storms, and rainfall of calamities.
As we are all hoping for a still, peaceful, and joyous industry. Till then, let\’s please keep our brothers and sisters in our fervent daily prayers. One thing\’s for sure, \”THE STORM WILL BE OVER SOME DAY\”.
Rest In Peace To All Those We Lost and Take Hearts To Our Beloved Friends Who Are Strucked By These Tragedies.