The Inquirer Newspaper has reported that Liberian actress based in the US; Cece Maintain, has filed a lawsuit at the Sixth Judicial Circuit Court in Montserrado against two Liberian Comedians, known as Birth Certificate and Passport for allegedly assassinating her character. According to Cecelia Kimber\’s ( Alias Starpower Cecemaintain) action of Damages for Label filed through her Attorney, Annette Brown before resident Judge J. Kennedy Peabody, she said 1st defendant Adolphus Gbehye (Passport) and 2nd defendant Robert G. Saye (Birth Certificate) were hosted on her Facebook platform show upon her return to Liberia on March 5th 2018 as special host in wish she was viewed by many of her fan\’s and supporter\’s around the world.


She furthered stated that she was surprised to see on April 20, 2020 a post from defendants Passport and Birth Certificate on their Facebook page claiming that she (Cece) used their image on her platform to generate GOFUNDME to make money abroad and further claimed on their Facebook page that the plaintiff requested second defendant (Birth Certificate) to have and affairs with her among other things.


The Liberian actress noted that the two comedians publication carried on its social media and internet website was seen and read by thousands of fans in and out of Liberia which was detrimental her hard earned character. The Defendants post is a deliberate attack on the integrity and moral character of the plaintiff and intended to disgrace, degrade and reduce her good name, character amd reputation.


Her lawsuit indicated that the entire posts and comments are totally false and defamatory as such she has never been convicted of any such crimes as stealing but subscribing such to her name is a criminal offense and that both defendant should be held liable. The Plaintiff further prayed the honorable court for judgment against first and second defendant in the amount of USD 200,000 for damages to pay all costs and expenses she may incur as a result of of the defendants malicious and false publication on the internet in these proceedings.

Meanwhile, the defendants are expected to appear on or before May 23, 2020 before the judge at the Civil Law Court.

Credit: The Inquirer Newspaper 

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By Kerkula Aketella Blama

Kerkula Blama also known as Aketella, the CEO of Geez Liberia, is the best blogger in Liberia. He is also a vlogger, On-Air Personality, curator, PRO and influencer.

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