AMEU Works With Orange Liberia To Start Online Classes For Its Students.
The African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU) will this year continue their academic calender whilst the rapid increase of the cases of coronavirus in the country. The university is preparing to keep students learing even while they are away from school, by providing a very active online learing center for its students in order to complete the ongoing semester.
The university will be offering its online classes for all students register this semester. Speaking in a meeting with the administrators, staffs and student council government of the university, the Rev.Dr.Attah, told the council that he will put the students interest first.
Further in his statement, he said The school cabinet, all the various Dean and Chairpersons, agreed that the school must have online classes. Therefore, the school has seeked the National Commission on Higher Education to approve the form of work that AMEU has proposed. The online classes will start at the same classes time.
The school,AMEU, will use two platforms to carry out the online
classes. They are: Zoom and Google classroom. The school is working with Orange hoping to allow the students to access those site without data. However, the students shall only be allow to access those sites with the account that the school will give them. The school will provide those accounts through the IT department to all students latest by April30,2020. The school hopes to start classes on March4,2020 when the government allows the school to carry out.
Wantana was to do AMEU online registration but it will increase tuition by $4.50 so we stopped the deal. Those who will not be able to access the online courses due to financial difficulties may have increase in their vacation school.
Those who need to get their assignments through hard copies will
get it at the welcome center on the school ground. Graduating Senior students doing thesis will be required to do up to chapter 3 of their thesis and not up to getting full data and getting statistics from the field.
The work done within the various classrooms will be graded and added to the new platforms. We will ensure that all the courses that have different sections will have the same lessons to ensure quality. The school will make an announcement through the radio and e-newspapers about the online classes to help students beaware.
As for students who can\’t access the internet due to some been self-help and some not having the finance to do so, Rev.Dr.Attah said that he will see what they can do. Let the notes and assignments be place on the school website.
But noted that the website has some issues. Graduating students shall have their documents after they completed their learning if the crisis continues.
He also said their the semester will continue even if he pandemic persists.
And semester fees won\’t be increase.
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I”m so impressed about the idea
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